
Global Animal Rescue & Response


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Animal Heroes Uniting: Veteran and Emergency Responder Communities Join Forces to Save Lives







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Who is GARR?

GARR is comprised of men and women from the veteran and emergency responder communities. We have all come together to share our passion and love for animals with a common goal of helping those in need. Our team has a multitude of training and real-world experience to bring to the table which will maximize our ability of helping animals and their humans. We adhere to ICS protocols in our response to crisis, which allows us to integrate into, and function in, a multitude of scenarios. 

Our Mission

Our mission is to globally respond to animals in times of crisis, both natural and manmade, while providing technical expertise and compassion to those in need. Our primary focus is to rescue, protect, aid, and assist animals and their human caretakers when they need it the most. Global Animal Rescue And Response is an IRS registered 501(c)3 not for profit organization. 


What areas does GARR serve?

We can respond both in the United States and worldwide when needed.

What training does your team have?

Our team is trained and experienced in many aspects of rescue including shelter setup and operations, water rescue, confined space rescue, high/vertical angle rescue, ground search and rescue (GSAR), and hazardous materials (HAZMAT).

What happens to the animals you rescue?

We make every effort to reunite animals with their owners. If this cannot be done immediately, we will ensure the animals receive the best care possible either at our temporary shelter, or at the facility that covers the area in which we are working.

What types of animals will you rescue?

To begin with, all lives matter to us. If there is an animal in need, we will do our best to save it. This includes, but is not limited to, dogs, cats, horses, cows, pigs, goats, sheep, poultry, exotics, etc. We have the ability and experience to work with almost any type of animal within our team.

Do you have a shelter I can visit to adopt animals from you?

We are not a shelter-based organization. When we respond, we work with established agencies who normally have facilities already in place. When needed, we will establish emergency shelters and staff them until a more permanent solution can be found and handed off for long-term care.

What type of situations will you respond to?

We will respond to animal needs in situations such as hurricanes, floods, tornados, wildfires, earthquakes, and even war.

What types of donations do you accept?

Financial donations are the easiest to manage. Since each response is different with a unique set of circumstances, the material requirements are constantly changing. Financial donations allow us to purchase what is initially needed until we can set up a point locally to receive donated material items. 

Where do my donations go?

Donations go towards the costs associated with rescuing and helping animals. All our team members are volunteers, and currently no one receives any pay for their time or efforts. Costs can include travel, supplies, food, veterinary care, and necessities for our response team.

Are my donations tax deductible?

Yes. All donations are tax deductible as Global Animal Rescue And Response is an IRS recognized 501(c)3 non-profit organization. All donors will receive a donation letter for your taxes.

Can I volunteer to help without specialized rescue training?

Absolutely. We are always looking for volunteers to help with the intake and care of the animals we bring back from the field, along with other administrative roles during responses. During non-response times, we are happy to have help with administrative tasks, grants sourcing, and fundraising.

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13 hours ago

Angel Update (24 September 2024)

To begin with, we apologize for the delay in getting the last update before our departure posted. We have had back to back hurricane responses with the GRID Team, and we are just now getting back to normal. We are starting to prepare for our return to Ukraine, and to see this sweet little girl again as she progresses in her healing.

When Angel's door was about to open and she realized she had a visitor, she immediately tried to stand up, which was not at all possible. She was just not healed enough and still in pain when she attempted to. Unfortunately, she fell back on her rear end but kept wanting to come to say hello and share some love. She really has a huge heart and is happy to see people when she gets her visitors.

Her healing had been progressing nicely at this point. Again, she was trying to put some weight on it, but was not ready for it. And that beautiful smile with those pearly whites was on full display as she expressed her happiness. For having been through so much pain from being hit and the surgery in the past month, she was really not showing distress or discomfort. The clinic staff said she sleeps a lot, which she needs to better heal herself.

She has been laying on her right side more and more often, which is an indication that her pain is minimized and she actually feels a level of comfort in that. Pressure can actually relieve pain in certain instances, and this seems to be one of them. As long as she is comfortable in her healing, that is what is important.

She has another couple of months with Порятунок тварин Харків / Animal rescue Kharkiv, Ukraine at the clinic before she will move to a foster and start the process for her paperwork to leave Ukraine. That will take 90-120 days once she has fully healed for her vaccines and paperwork to clear. Once she is in the EU, another 90-120 day clock will begin for her to get her EU passport so she can then come to the US. Once she has that, the CDC import permit has to be filed and that could take up to 90 days. We estimate she will be in the US by June at the latest and enjoying her new life with her family in Washington State.

We look forward to seeing Angel when we return to Ukraine in a month. We are excited to see her progress and to hopefully be able to take her on a leash walk if she is feeling up to it. Either way, we will have more updates for you throughout her life as she lives her best life.

We are Global Animal Rescue And Response and helping those in need is what we do.


GoFundMe - gofund.me/777c24d1

PayPal- [email protected]

PrivatBank- 4149609051947721

Venmo- garrdonations


#ukraine #dogs #dog #dogsofinstagram #dogslife #dogstagram #puppy #puppies #puppiesofinstagram #puppylove #cats #cat #kittens #kitten #catsofinstagram #animalrescue #animals #compassion #charity #HelpingOthers #horses #horse #kherson #kharkiv #kyiv #dnipro #dogsoffacebook #animallover #angel
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2 days ago

GRID Team Water Ops During Hurricane Milton (10 October 2024)

As part of our primary search tasking, access assessment was part of the functional tasks we needed to accomplish. The main part of this was to determine the best way to access the barrier islands to allow access for both emergency services as well as FEMA and county inspectors. The backside was super shallow to the point where we kept grounding props in the newly created sandbars that had been washed in from the storm surge. The other option was going to be a frontal approach to the beach, which we were attempting.

As you can see in the video, conditions were lees than optimal. There is a very clear delineation between the estuary and runoff water and the Gulf Of Mexico. There was so much dirt, chemicals, and debris in the brown water that it was technically considered to be contaminated. The water is normally a shade of blue with varying clarity. Due to the runoff and everything brought into the backside and canals, it is likely to stay brown for some time.

Initially the ride out was fairly smooth until the jetty outcropping. Then as the conflicting forces of water going out and the wind blowing water in joined, the conditions quickly deteriorated. The water was fighting between leading and following seas, which made passage a little challenging for the aluminum boat. Both the inflatables pushed through and made it into the Gulf without issues.

The aluminum boat cleared the water separation mark, but then it was clear that the flatter bottom and shallower draft were not going to be effective in these conditions. It also indicated to us that a frontal access route was not feasible since the majority of the boats that would be used are similar to the aluminum one we had. We decided for the sake of team safety to call the attempt off and head back into the brown water looking for an alternate route.

The info provided by our attempts showed that the debris filled and now very shallow channel was the only way to access the barrier islands. It was just too dangerous and risky for boats with passengers with no water rescue experience to come through the front side. Our next steps were to plot a GPS path through the channel that would allow the access that was needed and then to continue structural searches on the barrier islands.

The GRID Team is made up of professional search and rescue technicians who are all certified in their respective crafts. The team contains elements from the fire, EMS, law enforcement, military, and emergency management sectors. The GRID Team is National Incident Management System (NIMS) compliant and operates using Incident Command System (ICS) protocols.

We are the Global Animal Rescue And Response GRID Team and responding to those in need is what we do.


PayPal- [email protected]

PrivatBank- 4149609051947721

Venmo- garrdonations

#grid #rescue #waterrescue #HurricaneMilton #hurricane #florida #milton #disaster #DisasterRelief #searchandrescue #Usar #beach #ocean #rescuelife #firstresponders #GSAR #tampa #stpetersburg #bradenton #sarasota #venice #portcharlotte #fortmyers #naples #sanibel
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Her face is exactly why we keep going back................ They need us.

Her face is exactly why we keep going back................ They need us.Shell Shock

We have been asked quite often how the animals fare in the combat areas and if we see the impact the war has had on them. The simple answer is not so simple. Many times, these animals have endured months of shelling and having been occupied by Russian forces. Other animals have been through this war since it began last February 24th.

A lot of animals have been traumatized in ways that we will never know. The psychological response in animals is not much different than it is in humans. Unlike humans, animals cannot tell you they are hurting on the inside and share their feelings. Yet the look on their faces tells the whole story. They are terrified of what is going on in the world around them and they need help.

This puppy is a perfect example of that. The look on her face is sheer terror. We saved her in the Bakhmut region where the shelling is constant and the danger is very real. She knows nothing of a life without fear. She does not know peace and quiet. She does not know a happy home with love as all animals deserve. All she knows is war and the living nightmare that comes with it.

The fear she exhibits is real. She trembled in our arms. She jumped at any noise. She was so on edge that she wet herself multiple times from fear. THIS is what they are going through. In her short life, this had become her norm. But on 22 August 2023, that all changed when the white rescue van with the Americans in it showed up to take her to safety.

Initially we held her close and tried to let her know she was safe. But fear would not let her understand that she was safe. She cried out when she heard impacts around us, whether they be close or far. Her brother was just as traumatized as she was, and we could not even get him to calm down enough for a photo. All he wanted to do was find a place to hide from what he felt was danger around him. He just wanted his sister, which was the only safe thing he has known for their lives.

We put them in a crate together and they immediately pressed tight together in the back corner. They could not get close enough to each other. It was only hours later when we arrived in Dnipro to meet up with Порятунок тварин Харків / Animal rescue Kharkiv, Ukraine that they relaxed a little bit. And from there, the journey they took continued late into the night as all the scared and traumatized animals we saved were taken to safety far from danger.

We hope this little girl learns what love is. We hope she grows up in a home that she can feel relaxed in. We hope she can forget what war is and understand what happiness is all about. But most importantly, we hope that she feel something that she hasn't yet felt in her short life.................


We are Global Animal Rescue And Response and helping those in need is what we do.


PayPal- [email protected]

Venmo- garrdonations


#Ukraine #dogs #dog #dogsofinstagram #dogslife #dogstagram #puppy #puppies #puppiesofinstagram #puppylove #cats #cat #kittens #kitten #catsofinstagram #animalrescue #animals #Compassion #charity #helpingothers
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